
Advisory service for foreign companies – market entry into Germany

Advisory service for foreign companies
– market entry into Germany

Martens Unternehmensberatung is your ideal partner for

    - the execution of market studies for the German market/test marketing
    - the development of a market entrance strategy
    - the practical implementation/the transfer in practical solutions.

The success of opening up new markets depends on a careful preparation. The German market with over 80 million inhabitants has tremendous potential, which can only be made accessible/be developed by excellent knowledge of the country and the specific expectations of the future clients.

As a base for the market entry into Germany a market entry strategy will be developed. First of all a market analysis will be executed, followed by an analysis of the relevant target groups and competitors. New positioning of the business and definition of the future development will be the next steps.

In the course of the development of the market entry strategy careful consideration is given to the company’s previous name/brand and the claim in view of the estimated use in Germany. The brand is of extraordinary importance and has a tremendous influence on the success in sales.

Service, USP (unique selling proposition) and positioning in the German market, also elaborated in the course of the project, are of vital importance for the future business success.

Relevant target groups will be identified followed by the description of the corresponding communication channels, e.g. print or/and internet.

On basis of all these facts we will develop the necessary sales activities for the German market.

A detailed milestone planning will sum up all marketing and sales activities for the successful market entry in Germany.

Martens Unternehmensberatung will be your supporter for the implementation of the defined market entry strategy into practical business activities. Upcoming problems will be solved and constructive solutions will be created.

Martens Unternehmensberatung is your pilot to the German market and will be your comprehensive and unbureaucratic business partner on your way to a successful market entry.